April 2020
After a brief period of closure due to Covid 19 we are pleased to say that we have now taken the decision that it is safe for us to re-open Grosvenor Square. However, we will continue to keep access to the square under close review and follow government guidance.
In late March we had to take the difficult decision to close Grosvenor Square during these unprecedented times. We know that some residents were concerned that this decision limited their access to much needed green space, but we were compelled to take this step following extensive disregard for the government’s social distancing advice in the square, and given its size means it easily becomes overcrowded.
In addition to our management of Grosvenor Square our teams of property managers, caretakers and gardeners have been working around the clock to support local people and businesses that have been impacted by the current circumstances. We will continue responding to this situation as it evolves, and you can learn about the latest on our website.
We are continuing to progress our plan of activities and events for the redesign of Grosvenor Square; ensuring that the activities we propose will allow people to participate in the current circumstances.
In the coming weeks we will be sharing a programme of activities, starting with digital and online activities that will offer a range of ways for people to participate and help inform the redesign of Grosvenor Square.
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to be kept up to date with the project and get involved in shaping the square
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