The minor amendments respond to comments received during consultation and at planning committee. They were submitted to Westminster City Council through a Section 73 application in December. The application has been validated and is available to view on WCC's planning website using reference 23/08726/FULL. You can take part in the statutory consultation led by WCC by commenting on the application and we encourage you to participate in this process.
The ambition for Grosvenor Square Garden remains the same - to transform the square into a world-class public green space that delivers on the Community Priorities.
Overall, the minor amendments seek to:
The proposed amendments have no impact on the:
This online exhibition is split into 7 sections that give more detail on the proposed minor amendments and relating benefits.
The proposed amendments retain the various public benefits achieved through the consented scheme, including:
The majority of the existing boundary hedge would be retained, rather than introducing a new railing around the whole garden. Entrances would be enhanced and widened by replacing some of the hedge with woodland planting and a new railing to match.
Left: Indicative sketch of consented scheme
Right: Indicative sketch of proposed hedge and entrance
The gates at the southern entrance would be retained and refurbished. Whilst unlisted, these ‘Diplomatic Gates’ are part of Grosvenor Square’s heritage.
Left: Indicative sketch of consented scheme
Right: Indicative sketch of proposed southern entrance
The building designs have evolved to an oval shape to use space more efficiently, whilst reducing the amount of overhanging roof in response to feedback received from the Designing Out Crime officer.
Mounds originally proposed in the social ovals, play areas, and woodland path of the Shaded Garden would be removed, and the central oval would also be made level.
Left: Indicative sketch of consented scheme with the rill
Right: Indicative sketch without the rill
The grass on the central oval would extend to where the rill was proposed. The waterfall canopies would be replaced with plinths for public art. This artwork would require separate planning consent.
Inner social ovals closest to the Open Garden would be grass rather than hard surfacing.
Use freestanding benches rather than ones that are screwed into the ground, including wheelchair and pushchair friendly zones to create a more inclusive environment.
A more level surface has been achieved by using softer surface materials, fewer material layers and less-intensive foundations.
Subject to receiving planning consent, construction is expected to start in early 2025 and we’re anticipating that works could take up to 2 years.
As part of local engagement in 2021, 62% of people told us they would prefer the redesign to be delivered in one phase. Whilst this would likely require us to temporarily shut the square, this is also our preferred approach as it will enable us to reopen Grosvenor Square sooner. This approach will be developed in more detail and tested with potential contractors and partners; we will share more information in due course.
to be kept up to date with the project and get involved in shaping the square
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